“I Love You”

“I love you” – a simple line but very meaningful. Now-a-days, this phrase is used for anyone and everyone. It is no more special or for a special person. You say it, when someone says something pleasant to you. You say it, when you receive a desired gift from a friend. Today the question is not – “When do you say those three magical words?” Today the question is – “When do you NOT say those three words?”

Expressing love is a thing of the past. Today, more than words, actions count. By actions I mean as such – couples holding hands, pulling their partner close, sitting close to each other, hugging, and so on. But ask yourself if this is love, what about that feeling that needs to awaken from within you? Don’t you feel love anymore? Is it only about sex or the sense of touch? You need to find out for yourself.

You may read a lot of books or see several movies on love, but when love happens, you won’t even realize it. You turn blind. Probably, that’s why the saying goes – “Love is Blind”.

Nevertheless, you may even wonder how you will know when love happens. Love happens in the most strangest of ways, in the most expected times, and in the weirdest of places. It may be a train, a bus, a traffic signal, at a shopping arcade, or even the elevator. No one needs to tell you that you are in love. You will feel it deep within you. It will generate positivity in your heart and mind. You will experience the goodness of life when you are in love.

Love has no bounds. It is beyond perfection, plenitude, and time. No age, caste, or religion can stop you from being in love. If you and your partner trust each other and be faithful towards your relationship, love will fight all odds to make it last forever.

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